Vent (Philippines addition)

Let me vent cause I’m mad: Everytime I go to mcdonalds, I order a single McDo (a single drumstick), but I get an unidentifiable object. MAN WHAT IS THIS? I can’t tell if its a thigh, breast, rib cage, this is not whats in the picture on the box!!!! Its white meat, half is dark meat, its like a mangled up rooster. How can you ruin a drumstick? that’s the easiest part of the fucking chicken. FUCK. every fucking time. ITS NOT HARD TO MAKE A DRUMSTICK MAN. GOD DAMMIT.

Update in the Philippines

Blogging is a thing of the past, but I still like to occasionally write.

I love filipinos. I just bring my luggage to the airport. Them, Its milk fish, tilapia, hot sauce, tuyo, and family nephew in the bag and all that. Me? I’m just wearing jordans and one bag lol. They try to fit EVERYTHING in one bag, its impressive.

Anyways Im in town now, and corona seems to be dealt with pretty good.

However, I hate when people take off their mask to talk, sound waves goes through the mask. you taking it off when your droplets are the most likely to fly out into the air is beating the whole purpose of the mask. Youve got that on when your mouth is closed, but when you decide to open that mouth, you take the mask off and start talking to me. I swear man, imma flip out. -end of rant-

Never try a new burger in China

Every so often the chinese will present a new burger of some sort at one of their fast food chains (McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC), think McRib or some other new ‘limited time only’ specials in the U.S. Now, in the U.S,  usually the new limited time only specials are something epic, I mean think about how popular the McRib is, they’ve made a damn Simpson episode about it. Well, that just isn’t the case in china, 10 out of 10 their new burgers or specials are something utterly terrible. I feel as though I’m being trolled or someone just sat in a meeting room thought long and hard about the most random and most disgusting burger they can come up with, because I think, to them, that is what we westerners eat, random combination of ingredients. I don’t think they realize there’s a science to it, actual flavors that have been proven to mesh via decades if not centuries of  trial and error.

I see a new burger at Burger King, but every year I forget not to try any new burgers and to stick to the regular stuff  like a chicken burger made with confetti lettuce (it probably is made out of paper for all I know), but you get sick of the stuff and sometimes you  see something new and because back home you’re programmed to assume the ‘limited time only special’ will be good, you try it. The burger, with what looks like a thick chicken patty, thick cheddar cheese and some sauces looked quite good in the picture, couldn’t read it, just assumed that’s what it was and that it would taste great —WRONG—WRONG. The thick chicken patty was a very small thin layer of fish, the thick cheddar cheese were thick slices of mango, and the sauces were what appeared to be shredded shrimp and ketchup. ABSOLUTELY FOUL. Now at this point my taste buds are confused and my brain is sending a signal of anger. How? Why? Who? I ask my gf if mango and fish are a common combination in china…she says no. THEN WHY, WHY DOES THIS BURGER HAVE IT? I swear, they are just fucking around and trolling at this point. This doesn’t make sense. This is about as dumb as the time I went to the “Burrito” spot and the guy gave me tacos that had slices of almonds in it, and a burrito that had corn, egg plants and I think apricot (I’m not kidding),  or the time I went to a fish and chips place and she used soy sauce instead of tartar. This is an abomination! No one taught them to do this, they are just making stuff up,  mixing them in dishes for absolutely no reason.

This is why  I can’t wait to go home in 2 months. It’s been a little over 2 years since I’ve been home. I am hungry, starving, losing weight, I just want something that taste normal. Is that so hard? Is a beef patty with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and onions that difficult? Is a burrito with carne asada, salsa and cilantro too much to ask? If these lazy ass foreigners aren’t going to open any new restaurants out here (excluding italians), I may just have too, seriously  this makes no sense.

Just got back from India.

Not really in the mood to upload them to this site, but you can find photos @

It was quite an interesting experience. Exactly what I expected. The food was good, the roads were hectic and monuments were ancient. People were friendly but the customer service sucked (funny how they’ve outsourced our customer service there). I saw wild cows and dogs on the road, and found out new dehli was predominately hindu and muslim, not as many buddhists nor Gautama statues as I anticipated.

The tipping culture reminded me that of the U.S which threw me off since I haven’t been in a tipping culture in over 5 years and haven’t been back to the U.S in 2, so having to dig in my pocket to fork over 15% was a little annoying but luckily it was just rupees and the conversion rate is crazy. Speaking of conversion, you’ll of course go shopping and get haggled, have people following you around asking for money (they put extra effort into tourists of course) and you’ll find out that you can bargain prices of items down to damn near 60%, which makes you skeptical of every negotiation you have.

All in all, nothing I haven’t dealt with, and I recommend everyone at least visit once in their life.