Did you eat?

I really, really hate when people ask me if I ate. Unless you plan on whipping up a meal don’t ask me this stupid question. If I did, what? if I didn’t what? you gonna whip something up? because if not, don’t ask me this dumb ass question. My stomach will remind me to eat, you don’t need to ask. I can assure you, that my body will tell me that it needs calories to survive, I don’t need another human being to curiously ask me if its been filled. Do I ask you “you put gas in your car this afternoon? make sure to put gas in your car”   I know it’s courtesy in some cultures, to show you care, yea well in my culture its a dumb ass question. How about a more in depth question? “What has been filling your mind these past 3 days”  see? now thats a good one huh? ffs

I live in the Philippines

I never did update my website to inform that I live in Manila now. I have been here since June, so about 4 months and its been the best move I’ve made thus far. Things have been going good and  I plan to buy a house in 2020, yes, I will be here long term. Warm weather, warm people whom speak english, cheap cost of living, and general courtesy that I have missed all these years. Random fact: Outside of North America, Philippines have the most american expats in the world.


Anyways I guess I should change my bio to ‘welcome to manila’.   I have begun a new chapter in a new country, and I’m happy.